A simple sample for checking whether a .so in Linux both dynamically linked & dynamically loaded-linked in a process will share the same address space. also how the cases of multiple loads are handled.
int main(void){
void *handle1,*handle2; void (*IncCount)(void); void (*GetCount)(void); char *error;
/*lib reference count=1*/ handle1 = dlopen("libmylib.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!handle1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dlerror();/* Clear any existing error */ *(void **) (&IncCount) = dlsym(handle1, "increment_count"); *(void **) (&GetCount) = dlsym(handle1, "get_count"); IncCount(); error = dlerror(); if (error != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cout<< "I'm in main" <<endl; increment_count(); cout<< get_count() <<endl; /*lib reference count=2*/ handle2 = dlopen("libmylib.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!handle2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cout<< "handle1 = " <<(unsigned int)handle1 <<endl; cout<< "handle2 = " <<(unsigned int)handle2 <<endl; /*lib reference count reduced from 2 to 1*/ dlclose(handle1); /*handle1 still works as the reference to the library not 0*/ *(void **) (&IncCount) = dlsym(handle1, "increment_count"); increment_count(); cout<< get_count() <<endl; /*handle2 also works*/ *(void **) (&IncCount) = dlsym(handle2, "increment_count"); increment_count(); cout<< get_count() <<endl; /*lib reference count reduced from 1 to 0*/ dlclose(handle1); return 0;}
#include "stdio.h"
static int count = 0;int get_count(void){ return count;}
void increment_count(void){ count++;}
__attribute__((constructor)) void lib_init(void){ fprintf(stderr,"%s \n","mylib loaded"); }
__attribute__((destructor)) void lib_exit(void){ fprintf(stderr,"%s \n","mylib unload");}
Output: mylib loaded I'm in main 2 handle1 = 2439537088 handle2 = 2439537088 3 4 mylib unload